Thursday, December 17, 2009

5 from 2009

Theres been a lot of good stuff this year, so much so that its hard to narrow it down to just 5 great songs; but i'll give it a go!

5. The View - Temptation Dice

Don't let em tell you that you don't matter,
life's more than a chip-shop wrapper

So they may be terrible live (let's just call it rough) but the scottish band kicked of 2009 with a new album, and some tracks to rival that of the first. This is probably the best. Tenner bet you can't figure out what he's saying.

4. Humanzi- Neu Tune

Let's Get Together

What a bass line, and what another anthem from Ireland's best. Finally managed to see these guys at PschoFest in the Twisted Pepper back in June. Can't wait for the next opportunity...or the second album early next year.

3. The Maccabees - Can You Give It?

One last pull to tight the slack
Of before
Slow rolling bolder, rock, stone, pebble
Grit, sand, dust, grain, speck of it all

These lads are on their second album now, and kickin ass! Not yet recieved the fame they deserve, but the south-london/brighton group have kept it creative and true to their style. They've mixed it up this time with a new drummer, who brought some braver, some times hip-hop, beats to the table.
I was lucky enough to see them again this year, twice more, and meet them after the show in Stuttgart; sound lads, really bang on. 

2. Julian Casablancas - Left and Right in the Dark

When I met you, I was running wild

Trying to follow other solos projects from your bandmates with your own is alwyas going to be hard. And anticipated.
It seems the strokes solo albums finish on a high (unless Nick does something amazing, or something at all!), with a delightfully 80s, retro-futuristic (artwork by Warren Fu) and all round good tunes release from the front man of a generation. This one is addictive.
Two drummers allow for alternate and simultaneous beats and cymbal crashes, as well as showing that what sounds like fiddling around with a drum machine in studio can be taken on the road. Keyboards are turned to 11 and Julian keeps up his lyrical genius with some killer lines and themes explored.
How about another round of solo projects...THEN get back together!?

1. Bipolar Empire - Feel That You Own It

Hope's my only friend,
yeh he's always around

If ever there was a song to get you through 3rd year architecture and overcome any other challenges, this was it. Ok, this song has been around for a couple of years now, always a highlight at houseparties, but the local lads from Tallaght spent the start of the year recording in LA, giving the record pop-polished quality.
Stunning vocal ranges and harmonies, melodic bass lines and solid, yet creative, drumming (not to mention its sheer ability to motivate and keep you going) make this my song of the year. Cannot wait to hear the rest of the album.
Go see the guys live in dublin, they're on nearly every week somewhere!

5 That Just missed out:

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