Wednesday, November 4, 2009

NO JUNK MAIL!...please

This is one of these things I get fixated upon and think about too much but anyway, here it goes...!
Last summer I worked in the direct sales business; door to door. An experience in itself and something that i took a lot out of; more positives than one would think.
I estimate that I knocked on around 8000 doors over a few months...enough time for my mind to wander.

I noticed nearly every street had at least one house with a no junk mail sign, or something o that nature. Now, I'm not saying I like 'junk' mail, but I was interested in the way people use their front door or porch as a way of saying 'no'. Is it a polite no? Is the threshold at the front of their home for welcoming, or for shutting out? Do they actually take the time to make a sign? Is it typed? Which font? Hand-drawn? Did the kids draw up some negativity? How is it fixed? What promoted it? Are they just trying to be economic and save on waste (recyclable)? Where do they put it? Beside the polished letter box? Beside the pruned flowers in the hanging basket? Is it bought? Did they spend money in order to save on further hassle?

The above is a collage I made in response to this diversity of questions.

I feel this fixation isn't over...maybe its all just junk thoughts anyway...

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